Using GIT in Qubes 4 (with Split SSH and Split GPG)
On this post, I want to share an accomplishment: how about having a development env. with git tool, being able to increase its security to Github, via SSH, and signing with your GPG subkey?

Textos sobre segurança na Internet para usuários preocupados com a vigilância mercadológica e governamental.
On this post, I want to share an accomplishment: how about having a development env. with git tool, being able to increase its security to Github, via SSH, and signing with your GPG subkey?
One of the major problems that I've been facing when working with different Linux distributions on the same machine has been and still is, GRUB! Sometimes it help us a ton, but sometimes... times like these...!
Enquanto pesquisava sobre segurança digital, vasculhando vários sites, encontrei um projeto que analisa e avalia gratuitamente o nível de segurança de um site, baseando-se apenas nos HTTP response headers.
After having several problems trying to make Split SSH to work in Qubes 4, finally I managed to solve it, and in this post, I write how to configure your system, with no headaches and no problems.
Depois de muitos e muitos problemas na tentativa de uso do Split SSH no Qubes 4, por fim consegui resolver os problemas e neste texto registro como configurar o sistema. Sem dores de cabeça e sem problemas (assim espero!).