Using GIT in Qubes 4 (with Split SSH and Split GPG)

A few posts ago, I wrote how to configure Split SSH on Qubes 4 and how to set it properly to use SSH with your keys in a different environment, to connect to your SSH servers, e.g. Split SSH on Qubes 4.0 has a really nice catch: it allows you to store your keys in a vault AppVM, with no Internet connection, while another AppVM is used to connect to your servers, holding zero keys, meaning that it'll only connect, locally, to the vault and read keys stored there. Almost same concept applied to Split GPG.

On this post, I want to share an accomplishment: how about having an AppVM dedicated to development with git tool, and being able to increase its security committing, pushing repos to Github, via SSH, and signing with your GPG subkey?

On this case, we'll have three different AppVMs: two vault domains which stores a Github SSH key pair (1) and other vault holding your GPG key (2); the third is a dev workstation, which has git tool installed and it will be used for development and for pushing your commits to the Github servers.

Domains structure:

  • ssh-vault: contains your private and public SSH keys (RSA, DSA, ed25519, etc).
  • gpg-vault: contains your private and public GnuPG keys.
  • work-dev: your work domain which has Internet connection, and will NOT hold any of your private and public keys; it will connect to gpg-vault and ssh-vault for get information about your corresponding keys, and it will only conclude its operation after user authorization.

That's a scenario that looks hard to set up, but having all your vaults independently configured, work-dev will be straight-forward.


Configure Split GPG

I highly recommend to read Qubes Split GPG on Qubes Documentation, in case you haven't yet. It covers all basic and advanced topics over GnuPG with Qubes. On this post you're reading, I'll not cover it extensively. A useful step-by-step guide is available there. To match our case here, replace work-gpg referenced in the documentation as the vault domain to gpg-vault, name used here in this post.

dom0, "the special domain"

  1. Install package qubes-gpg-split-dom0, with the command sudo qubes-dom0-update qubes-gpg-split-dom0.
  2. Add required policies to dom0 to allow interdomain connections, editing /etc/qubes-rpc/policy/qubes.Gpg and adding the following line to the top of file qubes.Gpg.
work-dev gpg-vault allow


The idea is to store your GPG keys here, as described in documentation,

Start with creating a dedicated AppVM for storing your keys (the GPG backend domain). It is recommended that this domain be network disconnected (set its netvm to none) and only used for this one purpose. In later examples this AppVM is named work-gpg, but of course it might have any other name.

After creating it, let's set this up:

  1. Install package qubes-gpg-split, typing on its TemplateVM:
# for Debian Template:
sudo apt install qubes-gpg-split # for Debian Template

# **OR**, for Fedora Template, running
sudo dnf install qubes-gpg-split # for Fedora Template
  1. Add "autoaccept" variable in ~/.bash_profile (or ~/.profile, for Debian Template based) file.
echo "export QUBES_GPG_AUTOACCEPT=86400" >> ~/.bash_profile


We certainly have to make some changes over this domain to finish Split GPG configuration, but I'll leave for later on this text. It'll be easier to change everything once on work-dev, besides going back and forth over this domain.

Configure Split SSH

Configuring Split SSH requires a bunch of patience and concentration, but you can do it, and you will, right? Like I said before, I already wrote about it in an extensively post with most of the major steps explained. Follow this guide about how to configure Split SSH on Qubes 4.

An important note: the concept is ssh-vault domain to hold all of your SSH keys. All your SSH keys are secure by this domain, which means - if you're familiar with SSH keys -, that at some point you'll have a conflict between its names and will have to create new names for each file/key. That's where ssh-agent and ssh-add comes to deal with those conflicts.

So, after setting ssh-vault up, like I explained here, you must generate a new key pair to be used with Github (as authorization access) and add its fingerprint to Github user interface. And then, switching remote URLs from HTTPS to SSH to git use a safer connection between servers and your computer.

On Github documentation about these topics:

An import note, parte two: generating a new SSH key pair on ssh-vault, you'll be prompted for file location to save the key. At this moment, don't hit Enter; instead, complete with a different location (name) for the key.

# Generating a new key pair in ssh-vault, 
# change its default location when prompted.
# Enter a file with different location and name, like
#         /home/user/.ssh/my_github_rsakey
# or      /home/user/.ssh/github_secret_sshkey
#        etc. etc. etc.

Enter a file in which to save the key (/home/you/.ssh/id_rsa):

Don't worry! Take your time, I'm still here.*

Doing these things, you should have now in ssh-vault a new SSH key pair that must be working with Github. Last thing to do is to add the new key to ssh-agent in ssh-vault. That must be done because its custom name we choose a few minutes ago, sometimes ssh-agent doesn't check all files/keys inside SSH home folder. Only after typing the following command ssh-add YOUR_GITHUB_KEY_LOCATION, ssh-agent will recognize the key and add it to its database.

# For example:
ssh-add ~/.ssh/my_github_rsakey

If it worked, ssh-agent asks key's passphrase and then a confirmation message is printed, like Identity added: /home/user/.ssh/my_github_rsakey (/home/user/.ssh/my_github_rsakey). To double check, run ssh-add -L command to list all your keys installed on ssh-vault domain.

And finally, add the following lines to your local SSH config file, ~/.ssh/config to specify for SSH which information is going to be used for host.

# Github account for SSH access
    User git
    IdentityFile ~/.ssh/my_github_rsakey

Done! Are you still here? :)

Configure work-dev domain

Our last move in this tutorial is to set everything up on your dev domain, which is named as work-dev here. Remember what is its purpose? Working on git tool for signed commits and pushing/pulling over SSH, with Internet connection, and with zero private/public keys held inside it.

One topic by time, let's move to configure work-dev.

git tool

git tool is able to handle with GPG natively, but in order to work with Split GPG, git configuration file (~/.gitconfig, by default) must be edited. The reason is that Split GPG uses a different client named qubes-gpg-client-wrapper, instead of gpg command, for managing connections between client AppVM and vault.

Editing ~/.gitconfig is our next goal.

    name = YOUR NAME
    signingkey = 0xYOUR_GPG_KEY_ID!
    gpgsign = true
    program = qubes-gpg-client-wrapper

Note: variable signingkey, in ~/.gitconfig, must be declared so that git use a specific GPG subkey. To work, must be appended with !, as explained here (found it after several issues signing my commits).

Split SSH

Again, if you haven't configured Split SSH on work-dev AppVM, follow steps detailed here, over the item 4. Configure ssh-client. work-dev has exactly same function as ssh-client, introduced on this page I linked. Tasks to do are:

  1. Append content to /rw/config/rc.local file, and making it executable.
  2. Append content to ~user/.bashrc.

The "contents" to be appended on files are available on same page I linked two lines ago.

Split GPG

Backing on track of Split GPG configuration, we continue to finish our setup on GPG. This time working only with work-dev domain.

Add export QUBES_GPG_DOMAIN to define Qubes Split GPG variable to your ~/.bash_profile (or ~/.profile). Running the following command will have same effect.

echo "export QUBES_GPG_DOMAIN=gpg-vault" >> ~/.bash_profile

Restart your work-dev AppVM, and run gpg -K on a Terminal. If you've previously added any key to your local GPG folder, then it will print a list with your keys stashed on work-dev (remember that for security ground, it shouldn't have keys on it), or giving you a empty return, meaning that there's no private/public keys stored. Running the following command, it will make work-dev to find keys on the gpg-vault and list it for you.

qubes-gpg-client -K

And... it's done!


Are you still here? So, congrats!
It was NOT an easy task, for sure... but you made it! And thank you for your patience. To finish, test your workstation.

Restart each AppVM and test it out.

First, start ssh-vault and it will ask you passphrases for you SSH keys. Then, start gpg-vault and work-dev.


Did you find any bugs? Corrections? Feel free to comment. :-)